We are delighted to tell you that the Film Theatre has a new home. We are moving to the Wade Centre in Hartshill, a very suitable venue with a car park attached.
It will be some time before we are up and running because we will have to fit the new venue out as a public cinema and this will involve some fundraising and lots of hard work. We will be applying for funds and if these are forthcoming then our aim is to re-launch in early 2024, our fiftieth anniversary year.
Most of you will be aware of the history of the Film Theatre and will therefore know that we are a registered charity and without the generosity of volunteers we would not be able to function.
We hope there will be lots of people who will give their time voluntarily to re-launch and make the Film Theatre great again!
If you would like to be involved please drop a line to director@stokefilmtheatre.org.uk