Wednesday, 7 February 2024

Update - February 2024

It’s been some time since our last update. This isn’t because nothing has been happening  -  quite the opposite.

The Wade Centre, which is already a wonderful venue, is currently being updated to ensure it will be a suitable venue for the Film Theatre.

Installing our existing equipment there has been a priority for us and we have been extremely fortunate to have been helped by a very experienced engineer, who has given his time freely to the project. He made an assessment of our needs on an initial visit suggesting ways costs could be cut and second hand or repaired equipment could be used, and has been overseeing the project. Our damaged projector has now been repaired and is in place in the projection box, all up and running.

We have also hit some snags along the way. Our old server no longer works so we are hoping to raise enough funds for a new one (approximately £9,000), and because the new venue is larger we need a new screen to be built to fit. (approximately £17,000).

We have approached the BFI and ICO to help with funding, but they are unable to fund capital equipment. They remain extremely keen to see us re-open and we are hoping that they will be able to give us a strategic award for programming and audience development, which will be excellent for the Film Theatre.

Since we set up the JustGiving account, with Gift Aid a total of  £4,190 has been donated. We would like to thank those of you who have contributed to that. The funds raised so far have gone towards re-wiring the Wade Centre to connect to the projector, the speakers and the lights, which as you can imagine, has been a very big job. About 90% of that part of the installation has been completed so far.

Once we have the funding for a new screen, a server, the rest of the installation and the commissioning of the projector  -  we will be ready to go!!

We are all looking forward to welcoming the public to our special independent cinema.